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Voter Information
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Deliberative Sessions

Some NH towns have traditional "Town & School District Meetings". Voters come on one day to discuss AND VOTE on all articles on a Town and or School District warrant. AND elect officials. If you do not come on the day of that meeting, you do not get to vote. Period.


Other towns have what was called Senate Bill 2 (SB2). It divides "Town & School District Meetings" into two sessions. At Session 1 (commonly referred to as the "Deliberative Session"), voters discuss and debate articles. Numbers can be changed up or down, but the law restricts changing "the subject matter" of the article.


Amendments can also be made and voted on in this session with the following limitations: Warrant articles may be amended at the first session, subject to the following limitations:  

     (a) Warrant articles whose wording is prescribed by law shall not be amended. 
     (b) Warrant articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for a final vote on the main motion, as amended. 
    (c) No warrant article shall be amended to eliminate the subject matter of the article. An amendment that changes the dollar               amount of an appropriation in a warrant article shall not be deemed to violate this subparagraph. (RSA 40:13) (Meaning it is             OK to change the dollar amount in an article.)


Voters present will vote to place the article on the ballot. 


A few weeks later “Election Day” also known as “Session 2” Registered voters of a town then come (usually between 7am-7pm) to 1. Elect officials and 2. Vote on the separate warrant articles.


While School & Town have separate Deliberative Session days, all voting takes place on one day. You must either come to vote during the day or submit an absentee ballot. The meetings are run by the elected town or school "Moderator" who follow WAY too many rules to list here.


SB 2 Form of Town Meeting


Deliberative Sessions

Raymond Town Offices

4 Epping Street

Raymond, NH 03077

Phone:  603.895.7007

Fax:  603.895.7064

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