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Raymond's Government


The Town of Raymond operates under the Town Manager / Board of Selectmen / Town Meeting form of government. In this form of government, the Town Manager is appointed according to the provisions of NH RSA 37.


According to NH RSA 37:5, “the Town Manager shall be the administrative head of all departments of the Town and be responsible for the efficient administration thereof... He shall have general supervision of the property and business affairs of the Town and of the expenditure of moneys appropriated by it for Town purposes”. The specific powers and duties of the Town Manager are spelled out further in NH RSA 37:6.


NH RSA 37:3 states that the Town Manager “shall in all matters be subject to the direction and supervision, and hold office at the will, of the Selectmen”. Under RSA 37, the Town Manager, under the supervision and direction of the Board of Selectmen, functions as the head of the executive branch of the town government, and Town Meeting, composed of all legal voters of the Town, serves as the legislative branch of the town government.​




Raymond Mission Statement


WHEREAS: The administration and government of the Town of Raymond are committed to serving the diverse needs and interests of the people of Raymond;


WHEREAS: Raymond is a place where each family, individual and visitor of the Community may enjoy comfort and security, recreation and prosperity at home, in the workplace and at school;


WHEREAS: It is recognized that the highest quality of life can be facilitated through adequate public service, clean environment, crime prevention, quality education, safe housing and commerce;


WHEREAS: Raymond will be recognized as a community that is cooperative, creative and conscientious that enhances the quality of life through planning and implementation in preparation for the future while maintaining our heritage;


BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: With the future in mind we will work in cooperation with the Community to intelligently help Raymond to continue to be a Town we can all be proud of, while keeping pace with ever changing new technology and thinking. This shall be done without losing sight of Raymond's history.


Adopted August 8, 1994

Amended May 2, 2016

Raymond Board of Selectmen​




Raymond Government Facts


Type Of Government: SB2-Town Mgr/Selectmen Planning Board: Elected

Industrial Plans Reviewed By: Planning Board

Zoning: Yes

Master Plan: Yes

Capital Improvement Plan: Yes

Full-Time Police Department: Yes

Full-Time Fire Department: Yes

Town Fire Insurance Rating: 4/8b

Contact Info

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday

8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Admin Contacts

Raymond Town Offices

4 Epping Street

Raymond, NH 03077

Phone:  603.895.7007

Fax:  603.895.7064

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