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Historic District Commission

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Board Members

HDC About


The Town authorizes the Board of Selectmen to appoint seven citizens as members of the Historic District Commission pursuant to the provisions of RSA 673:4 and 673:5 and to appoint not more than five citizens as alternate members of the Historic District Commission, pursuant to the provisions of RSA 673:6, or take any other action relating thereto.


Our intent as commissioners of the Raymond Historic District Commission (RHDC) is to help preserve the character and the continuity of care to Raymond’s historic properties.


The RHDC was established by the vote of the citizens of Raymond in March of 1992. In order to be considered an historic property, it must meet certain criteria and be voted on by the citizens. Guidelines continue to be expanded to include cultural resources and community history. This has allowed for multiple districts (not just one area within the town) thus the “overlay” district that we have become here in Raymond. The public purpose for our Overlay Historic District is to safeguard the preserving these properties which reflect elements of their cultural, social, economic, political community, and architectural history. Our authority as Raymond Historic District Commissioners has been established to regulate the construction, alterations, repair, moving, demolition or use of such structure and places within said districts. Fostering civic beauty, conserving property values, strengthening the local economy and promoting the use of historic districts for education, pleasure and welfare of the citizens of our town.

Raymond Town Offices

4 Epping Street

Raymond, NH 03077

Phone:  603.895.7007

Fax:  603.895.7064

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