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Capital Improvements Program Committee

Board Members

CIP About


The Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Committee normally meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday in the evenings, check town calendar.


RSA 674:5 Authorization. 

Warrant Article #17 of 1998 first established a CIP Committee.  Warrant Articles #17 2008 and #24 2016 re-established and further defined the CIP Committee makeup.  The CIP Committee members are appointed by the Selectmen and are composed of 3 citizens at large members and 2 members from each the following committees/boards: Board of Selectman, School Board, Budget Committee, and Planning Board.


RSA 674:6 Purpose and Description.

RSA 674:7 Preparation.

RSA 674:8 Consideration by Mayor and Budget Committee. 


Why do we need a capital improvements program?

CIPs are not required by law, but there are a host of reasons a municipality should prepare one and keep it up to date.  Here are a few:

•      A plan helps anticipate needs rather than just reacting to unanticipated problems (thus preventing surprises among government officials and the voting public).

•      Planning ahead allows time to get the necessary resources in place bit-by-bit rather than all at once, avoiding spikes in the tax rate.

•      This advance planning leaves time to identify alternate sources of funding (grants, etc.).

•      A good CIP can help identify the most economical means of financing a project.

•      The plan informs and prepares decision makers so that everyone is familiar with it.

•      A plan prepared cooperatively among officials and employees increases the “buy-in” among them so that they are willing to help the voters understand why items in the plan are important.

•      “Shovel-ready” or prepared plans can help a community be ready to participate in federal or state grant programs when they arise.

•      Good plans help promote economic development if they create needed infrastructure.

•      Regular attention to capital assets increases the likelihood of proper maintenance to extend the life of existing assets.

•      A CIP is a legal prerequisite for some other land use tools, such as growth management under RSA 674:22 or impact fees under RSA 674:21, V.

Raymond Town Offices

4 Epping Street

Raymond, NH 03077

Phone:  603.895.7007

Fax:  603.895.7064

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